Thursday 28 March 2019

brunner mine site

Monday just gone my class went to the Brunner mine site and it has a lot of history. We have been reading a book about it called mines Afire it is about the Brunner mine explosion that killed 65 men and boys. After we visited the mine site we went to the still water cemetery where 33 of the miners where buried. The rest where either in family plots or buried at the greymouth cemetery. At the still water cemetery there is something called a mass grave that is where the 33 miners where buried together. At the Brunner mine site we had to role play what happened and also at the still water cemetery we had to pay respect and read some of the names of the dead miners. Here is a location and a photo of the Brunner mine site.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alex its Kaleb here.

    I think this is a great post because you explained what you did and where the locations is. What was your favourite part??? Mine was when we went for the walk around the track and looked at the old coke ovens. Also you put the location in twice.

    Great Job.
    From Kaleb.


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