Friday, 3 June 2016

Week 5 reflection t2

Numeracy- This week we learnt how to add decimals and I found it quite hard to do because it was my first time adding decimals.


Barnyard Times

Volume I: Issue VII News from the Zuckerman's Farm

                         The ratty Article

Yesterday just one ordinary winter’s day just out of greymouth was a barn.  

Templeton is a rat not an ordinary rat a really sneaky rat and he helped charlotte write some
pig in her 
web. The rat was just like another rat just a bit smarter the rat got the words from the dump.

A rat that had so much food in its house that he couldn't fit anything else but himself it was that full. A sneaky little rat that could get anywhere without being spotted.

A little hole under a barrel that had all of templeton's food
and stash of junk like rotten eggs and cans. That little rat had heaps of tunnels that lead to a lot of exits and entries.

Because he was a rat with a lot of talent that could practically do anything because he is very smart. He could do stuff like sneaking around to steal food or stuff like that.

Reported By Alex Cl

Word work-For word work I did silly sentences.

Writing-This was our follow up we had to complete trapped you had to figure out witch punctuation goes were.

Reading- This week for reading we did perfect punctuation.

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